

Clients Features and Use

Use this page to Enter or Edit Clients and to associate Clients with a Project or an Invoice.

  • Add or Edit a Client Organization

    In the left hand column, scroll the list or Search for the Client Organization. To Search, type a few letters from any part of the name and click search or hit the Return key. Select the client Organization by clicking on the Name.

    If the Client Organization does not exist, click New Client Organization and enter the new Company Name in the dialog box. In the right hand column enter a Company Short Name and / or an Alternative name and CLICK SAVE.

    Edit the company name, Short Name and Alternative name directly in the gird and CLICK SAVE.

  • New Address, New Contact, Edit Address, Edit Contact
    Click to add a new Address or a new Contact Edit the Addresses and Contacts directly in the grid and CLICK SAVE
  • Exclude Parts
    Exclude Parts provides a mechanism to exclude parts from an Invoice. This method is now superseded by the use of Invoice Groups (here)
  • To Associate a Client with a Project or with an Invoice

    To associate a Client with a Project you must arrive at the Client page directly from the Project View page (here).

    To associate a Client with an Invoice you must arrive at the Client page directly from the Invoice Preview and Setup page (here).

    Select one address and one contact by checking the boxes at the left hand end of the row. The Confirm Selection Button will active and turn red. Click the Confirm Selection button to make the client association and return to the relevant Project page or Invoice Preview and Setup Page.

  • Delete Contact, Address
    To delete a contact or address click the red X at the left hand end of the row. If the contact or Address is associated with any current or past project or invoice, the record will not be deleted but will be marked as Obsolete. The red X will turn black, the check box will be disabled and a tooltip will indicate that the record is Obsolete. To restore the record from its obsolete state, click the black X.
  • Delete a Client Organization
    To delete a Client Organization select it from the list in the left hand column, click the red X at the left hand end of the row. The system will prevent deletion of a Client Organization that is associated with existing projects or invoices.