
Invoice Preview and Setup

Invoice Preview and Setup Features and Use

The invoice Preview and Setup page appears as part of the invoice creation workflow and provides a location to:

Set the Invoice recipient details
Apply Invoice Adjustments for to make adjustments to of the overall invoice total
Configuration options to show or hide parts of the Invoice
Access to edit ancillary notes.

To access this page in future outside of the invoice workflow go to Invoice Manager>> find the Invoice in the list>>click the blue Edit icon at the left hand end of the row. An administrator may have to set the invoice status to Open to enable this action.

  • PDF Preview

    Click PDF Preview to show a preview of the final invoice. Note that this is a preview; the final pdf Invoice is not created and stored in the system until the Invoice is Submitted and Approved.

  • Delete Invoice
    Deletes the invoice and returns to the Charge/Invoice page.
  • Exclude Parts
    Exclude Parts provides a mechanism to exclude parts from an Invoice. This method is now superseded by the use of Invoice Groups (here)
  • Invoice Number (Inv No.)
    An Administrator can choose to have the system apply invoice numbers automatically. If Invoice numbers are automatic leave this field empty. Otherwise, enter an invoice number here. The Invoice Number can be entered later if necessary.
  • Client Reference (Client Ref)
    Enter a client reference number to be included on the invoice. Once entered the reference number will appear on all future invoices unless revised in this field.
  • Client Address
    The client address and contact shown here is based on the Client details entered on the Project View page. To add or edit the invoice address details click the blue edit icon. See Entering and Editing Client Details here. The Project Client Detail and the Invoice Client Detail are separate records. The Invoice Client Detail will appear on future invoices.
  • Invoice Note 1, Invoice Note2, Charge Notes
    Edit Note fields directly in the Grid.
  • Invoice Adjustment, Adjustment Detail

    To make an adjustment to the invoice total click Adjustment.

    Enter or edit an Adjustment Amount and an Individual Adjustment Note to one or more parts. Click SAVE.

    The Individual Adjustment Note is for audit purposes and is not displayed on the Invoice.

    Add a Summary Note. Click SAVE. The summary note IS displayed on the Invoice.

    To see a summary of the how the adjustment is applied to individual Project Parts click Adjustment Detail (Adjt Detail)

  • Hide Fee and Remaining
    Hide Fee and Fee Remaining causes the Invoice to display only the Prior and Current charge columns. It is used primarily to avoid a negative Amount Remaining in situations where there is no pre-established Fee amount.
  • Hide Hours Detail, Hide Expense Detail
    Hide Hours Detail, Hide Expense Detail removes the Hours detail and /or Expense detail table from the Invoice.