
Project View

Project View Features and Use

  • The project view page is the heart of setting up, managing and reviewing project status. The three sections of the page detail the Project, the Project Parts and the Expenses respectively.
  • Edit Project ID
    To edit the project name click the blue edit icon to the left of the project name.
  • Hide Closed Parts
    Checking the Hide Closed Parts checkbox hides all the Parts in which the status is Closed.
  • Insert or Edit the Client
    To Insert or edit the client details click the blue edit icon to the left of the client name text box. See Entering and Editing Client Details here. The client details will appear in the Invoice unless you override them during the invoice setup process.
  • Mark the project “Confidential”
    Click the check box “cfl”. A confidential project is hidden in Project List and Resume modules.
  • Assign the Project Manager
    Select the new project manager from the PM list.
  • Edit Project Parts

    Edit information describing the project parts directly in the table. Changes will be saved automatically when you exit each field.

    The Part Number and Part Name can be edited freely at any time without impacting the associated data.

    Edit the Fee Type to Fixed or time Basis (T&M)
    The Fee Type can be assigned up until the first Invoice is issued. Subsequently the fee type for this part remains fixed. Fixed Fee parts and Time Basis Fee Parts can be assigned within a single Project.

  • Status
    Only Project Parts marked as Active are available for inclusion in Users’ timesheets. Un-invoiced fees associated with a Project Part that is marked as Closed are excluded from the project backlog reports. When the last Project Part is Closed, the Project is Closed automatically.
  • Fee
    The initial fee for a new Project Part can be added in the Fee field when the project is setup. This condition is indicated by the presence of a border around the Fee field. Subsequently, once the project is underway this fee field will be disabled; this condition is indicated by the absence of a border around the Fee field. If it is necessary to adjust the fee later in the project use the Fees menu button. (here).
  • Invoice to Date, Budget and Hours to Complete (HTC)
    The Invoice to Date, Budget and Hours to Complete (HTC) fields are populated by the project based on data entered in other areas. An Administrator can choose to show/hide the Budget, HTC and Deadlines columns in the Application Settings. Admin>>Application Settings.
  • List Order
    The List Order determined the order in which the Project Parts are displayed. The Parts are ordered first by the List Order (LO) and then by the Part ID number.
  • Notes
    Checking the Note checkbox indicates that a Time Entry Note (T/E Note) is required for each entry. A requirement to complete for Time Entry notes is indicated in the Timesheet by red text and a Tool Tip in the Type field.
  • Add a New Part

    By default a project is created with one Part and one Expenses Part. Add new parts by clicking New Part and designating a Project Part or and Expenses Part. Delete Parts by clicking the red X at the left hand end of the row. Parts with attached Time Entries or Expense Entries or Invoice Charge Entries cannot be deleted. Remove the associated data items before deleting the Part.

    A project may have any number of parts with a mixture of Fixed and Time Basis Fee Types.

  • Expense Parts
    In general, expenses for all Project Parts within one Project are assigned to a single Expenses Part. However, it is possible to create additional Expenses Parts to accommodate more complex Projects. The expenses Part ID is automatically assigned as 99 to distinguish it from conventional Project Parts, however, the PartID may be set to any number. The Expenses Parts may be ordered with the List Order (LO). The Expense Parts are ordered first by the List Order (LO) and then by the Part ID number.
  • Expense Invoice Type
    The Expense Invoice must be set to address one of the following circumstances.

    1. No invoice: The contract identifies the fee; expenses are included in the fee; and expenses are not submitted on an invoice.

    2. Separate invoice: The contract identifies the fee; expenses are not included in the fee; and expenses may be charged in addition when submitted on an invoice.

    3. Combined invoice: The contract identifies the total dollar amount for fee plus expenses. Expenses must be submitted on an invoice; the sum of the fee plus the expenses must be tracked against the total dollar amount.

  • Close
    Close all Parts of the Project by clicking the close menu button. To re-open a closed Project (here)
  • Setup – Office and Portfolio
    Select using the checkboxes. A Project may be assigned to multiple portfolios but a Project may only be assigned to one office. A Project that is not assigned to any portfolio will appear in every portfolio.
  • Setup – Tags

    Click Show All Tags to view the available tags. Tags associated with the current Project are red. Click any black tag to add an association with the current Project. Click any red tag to remove the association with the current Project.

    Alternatively, begin typing a tag name in the Tags text field. Select a tag from the drop down list using the arrow keys or the mouse. If you enter a tag that does not exist (and then click anywhere outside the Tag text field) a dialog will appear to permit you to save the new Tag and to assign it to a Tag Category. The new Tag will be associated with the current project and added to the list of available Tags.

    Clicking a Tag in the Tag Field will open the dialog to allow for editing or deleting the Tag. A tag may not be deleted until all the associations have been removed. (here)

  • Setup - Invoice Groups

    Invoice Groups allow for a Multipart Invoice that includes a subset of the project parts. (In general a Multipart invoice includes ALL of the Project Parts). Click New Invoice Group to create one or more groups. Give each new group a meaningful name; the Invoice Group name will appear on the Invoice unless you override it during the invoice setup process.

    Select an Invoice Group and check the Parts to associate with the is Group. A part may only be associated with one group.

  • Fees

    The initial fee for a new Project Part can be added in the Fee field when the project is setup. This condition is indicated by the presence of a border around the Fee field. Subsequently, once the project is underway this fee field will be disabled; this condition is indicated by the absence of a border around the Fee field. If it is necessary to adjust the fee later in the project use the Fees menu button.

    In the appropriate Project Part click the New button. Enter an ADJUSTMENT to the current fee and a date and a note to describe the reason for the change. It is not possible to edit a fee entry. CLICK SAVE. In the event it is necessary to make an additional change click New and enter another fee correction amount.

  • Billing Rates

    Time Basis Billing Rates are only applied to Time Basis Project Parts. Fixed Fee Project Parts do not have Time Basis Billing Rate assigned to them. A Time Basis Part always has a default Billing Rate applied when the Project Part is created or first designated as a Time Basis Part. Initially an alternate rate can be selected from the list of available Billing Rates on this page. Subsequently, once the project is underway this billing rate list field will be disabled.

    If it is necessary to adjust the fee later in the project ask an Administrator to select a new Rate. Admin>>Assign Billing Rate>>Select Project>> Select New Rate in the drop down list and click Save.

    To change the Billing rate during the project, ask an administrator to

    1. Create a new Billing Rate Group Admin>> Time Billing Rates>.New Rate Group>> Enter Name. In the resultant page add an Hourly Rate for each User Functional Group.

    2. Assign the new rate to the project Admin>>Assign Billing Rate>>Select Project. In the appropriate Project Part click New. In the new drop down list select the new Billing Rate; set the date range of each Billing Rate, ensuring there is no overlap. Click SAVE.

  • Add / Edit Deadlines
    Click New Deadline. Select the Project Part, Deadline Type and Deadline Date. Enter information to describe the Project Phase and enter detail to describe the deadline requirements. Deadlines added here show up in the editable Deadlines Calendars (Tools>>Deadlines and in the non-editable Timesheet Deadlines Calendar (Timesheet>>Deadlines).
  • Other Project Costs