
Initial Setup for a New Company

Initial Setup

This page lays out a suggested setup sequence for establishing a new company account:

  • Company Name
    Edit the company name, if necessary. Admin>>Administrator>>Company
  • Office Name(s)
    Add/Edit Office Names. Admin>>Admin>>Offices>>Office Name. Denoted one of the offices as the default to be assigned to new Users as they are created.
  • Function Groups

    Add/Edit Function Groups. Admin>>Financial Admin>>Functional Groups.

    Functional Groups describe the role users play in project work. Fee Billing Rates and Internal costs are linked to a User’s Functional Group. Examples are Account Manager, Designer, Project Manager, Programmer, Engineer. Denote one of the Functional Groups as the default to be assigned to new Users as they are created.

  • Internal Cost Rate

    A Cost Rate is the internal cost of one hour of time including all direct and overhead costs. Add an Internal Cost Rate for each Functional Group. Admin>>User Cost Rates>> New Cost Rate

    Enter a cost rate and start and end dates for a period through which the rate applies for each Functional Group. CLICK SAVE.

  • Fee Billing Rate Group

    A Fee Billing Rate is the cost charged for each hours of time on a Time Basis Project Part. A Fee Billing Rate Group comprises a Fee Billing Rate for each Functional Group.

    Designate one Fee Billing Rate Group as the Default Billing Rate to be applied automatically to all new Project Parts that are designated as Time Basis.

    Admin>>Fee Billing Rates>> New Rate Group. Edit the Rate Group Name and the individual Hourly Rate directly in the grid. To inspect the rate applied to other rate groups select the Rate Group name in the left hand column. To change the Default Rate Group check the box marked Default (Dflt).

    Rate groups can be assigned to any number of Projects through any time period (so that the Rate Group applied to a project can change over time). See section 'Assign Rate Group' below.

  • Add Clients

    Clients>> click New Client Organization, add one or more addresses; add one or more contacts.

    It is possible to add a new client while setting up a new Project, but easier to create the client first and then assign the exisitng client to the Project.

  • Add Projects

    Projects>>click New Project

    Edit the Part details and the Expense Part details directly in the Grid.

    Add more parts by clicking New Part.

    Click the blue edit icon to the left of the client field to assign the client. On the client page check one address and one contact, the confirm Selection button will turn red. Click Confirm Selection.