Review the current Budget situation Projects>>Project Name>>Budgets>>Summary.
The summary page indicates the Budget Type currently assigned to each Part of the Project along with the Part Fee,
the Blended Cost Rate and the Hours for the Budget and Actual.
The summary page indicates the total budget hours and the total actual hours.
If a Budget has not been created the budget type indicates “Create…” On the Basic Budget page click New Budget.
The left hand column (“Auto Budget”) includes a basic budget in which the available hours are calculated by assuming
a desire for a 20% profit and therefore dividing 80% of the fee revenue by a “Blended Cost Rate”.
The Blended Cost Rate is the product of hours x cost per hour (Internal Cost Rate) for each person working on the project,
divided by the total number of hours. The default value is $160.00.
Set the default value Admin>>Financial Admin>>Default Blended Rate (coming soon)
A calculator is available to help estimate the Blended Rate based on estimates of time by each Functional Group.
Click the icon to the right of Blended Rate.
To modify the budget adjust the Blended Rate (if necessary), and adjust the Hours, CLICK SAVE (top left of page).
The system updates and recalculates the profit.
Other costs related to the project can be added to the budget in the Other Project Costs Section.
Click New, Edit the Description and Budget costs fields and CLICK SAVE (top left of page).