

Timesheet Features and Use

  • Entering time
    Use the Add and Remove buttons to populate your timesheet with relevant projects. Mouse over the project name and Part Name to see the complete text. The timesheet will transfer projects from one week to the next, and will automatically remove projects when you have not booked time for more than 6 weeks. Move around the time entry area with the arrow keys, enter key or tab key. Enter time in hours and decimal parts of an hour. Click outside the cell or use the arrow key, enter key or tab key to save the entry. Entries in project parts designated as Time and Materials are locked once the time is invoiced.
  • Add / Remove
    On the Add / Remove page filter projects by PM, Office or Portfolio. Search for text in individual Project and Part names using the searchbox. click Search or hit the Return key Adminstrators can set up Portfolios (and defaults) and Offices. (Admin>>Portfolios, Admin>>Offices). Project Managers can assign Projects to Portfolios and Offices. Projects>>Projectname>>Setup check Office/Porfolio name. Every new projects is automatically assigned to a default office and portfolio based on default settings.
  • Budget, HTC and Deadlines
    The timesheet shows the Budget (Bud), Budget type (no header), Remining Hours (Hours To Complete - HTC) and the upcoming deadline. Mouse over the Budget type column to see a definitnon of the available types. The System Administrator can choose to show/hide the Budget, HTC and Deadlines columns in the Application Settings. Admin>>Application Settings.
  • Billable Percentage
    The timesheet shows billable percentage for the current week. Billable percentage is time spent on billable projects/(billable projects + non billable projects) ignoring non working time. The System Administrator can choose to show/hide the Billable Percentage on a per user basis in the user settings. Admin>>Users>> User Name>>Show Billable %age in Timesheet
  • Deadlines
    See all deadlines in a calendar format. It si not possible to edit deadliens on this page. Project Managers can edit deadlines in Projects>>Project Name>>Deadlines or in Tools>>Deadlines.
  • Vacation Request
    Request vacation time by selecting the type of absense form the drop down list; entering the first and last days of the requested vacation; adding a note and clicking submit. You will receive an email response from your vacation approval manager. A vacation calendar is available to coordinate with other users vacation time. Click Timesheet on the main menu to return to your timesheet.
  • Time Entry Note (T/E Notes)
    Some projects require a note of activity with every time entry. the requirement to complete Time entry Notes is indicated by red text in the Type column. A Project Manager can activate the requirement for time entry notes for individual Project Parts (Projects>>Project Name>> check box "Note". To add Time Entry Notes Click T/E Notes, select the Project Part that the Time entry applies to, enter a note and click Save. Click Back or click Timesheet on the main menu to return to your timesheet.
  • Navigating Timesheets
    Adminstrators and Project Managers can use the Timesheet Manager to select and view any User's timesheet for any availabe date. The browser will open a dialog displaying opens to open or Save the file. Excel must be installed on your device.
  • Export Timesheet to Excel
    Click Export to export the displayed timesheet to Excel.