
User Functions

Users, Features and Use

  • The Admin menu and access to the Admin pages is restricted to Security Groups Admin and above. Secure aspects of the Users page is further restricted to financial Admin and above.
  • Add New User

    Click Add New User, complete First, Last Names and Email Address. An active email address is essential for password recovery and other system features. The system will assign a Unique User Name comprising first and last names, all lower case, with no spaces, if that Unique User name is already assigned the system will append a number. An administrator can edit the Unique User Name for any user.

    In an exclusive single tenant system the name must be unique within that system. In a multi-tenant system the name must be unique throughout all users in the system.

  • Employment Status
    By default the page opens displaying only active Users. To see details of all users including prior users select All.
  • Locked Out

    An administrator may intentionally lock a User out of the system by checking the Locked Out checkbox.

    A User may unintentionally lock themselves out of the system by entering an incorrect password more than four times. An administrator may reinstate a User’s access privileges by unchecking this box.

  • Edit User Details
    Click on a the Link in a User Name. On the User Details Page edit details in the appropriate field and CLICK SAVE. Financial Admins can edit a Unique User Name and enter additional confidential information.
  • Set up a New User

    A new user is setup with default settings. The following settings may need to be set before a user profile is fully active.

    Hire Dates: Enter Date Hired, leave Date Terminated blank.
    Home Office: Assign a Home Office
    Security Group: The Security Groups defines a User’s access to parts of the system. Assign an appropriate Security Group, see Security Group Access below.
    Vacation Accrual and Cap: click Edit Rate and Cap to set or update the vacation accrual parameters. An Administrator can set request, tracking, accrual and reporting attributes for specific Project Parts, Admin>>Finance>>Admin And Non-Working Project Parts.
    Vacation Approval Manager, Secondary Vacation Approval Manager (if required)

  • Functional Group

    Billing Rates and User Cost Rates are linked to a Functional Group. Set the Users Functional Group to ensure the correct billing rate is applied to Time Basis Invoices.

    Initially, set the Functional Group by selecting a group from the drop down list. CLICK SAVE (at top of page). To Edit the Functional Group in future, click New, select a new Group in the New drop down list, adjust the start and end dates in both records to ensure they are continuous but do not overlap) and CLICK SAVE (at top of page). The end date of the existing record is restricted to the date of the last time entry applied to an Invoice.

  • New Timesheet
    Administrators can create a new timesheet for the User by clicking the New Timesheet button.
  • User Security Group Access

    User: Timesheet, Expenses, Project List

    Project Manager: As above plus, Timesheet Manager, Project View

    Admin: As above plus Expense Manager, Admin menu (admin functions), Reports Menu (admin reports)

    Financial Admin: As above plus Admin menu (financial admin functions), Reports Menu (financial admin reports)

    Administrator: As above plus Admin menu (administrator functions), Reports Menu (administrator reports)